About BESE

BESE was established by the 1974 Louisiana Constitution. The Board is composed of 11 members: eight elected by the citizens of Louisiana’s eight BESE districts, and three appointed by the governor of Louisiana to represent the state at-large. Together, these members adopt and enact policies governing the elementary and secondary schools of Louisiana.

BESE’s Responsibility
More information about BESE’s responsibilities and the scope of the Board's authority.

Understanding BESE’s organizational structure is important for an understanding of how it functions.

Louisiana’s Constitutional Convention of 1973 resulted in the creation of Louisiana’s 1974 Constitution, which established BESE.

Map of BESE Districts
A basic statewide map highlighting Louisiana’s eight BESE districts.

BESE Members by District
A listing of current Board members, including contact and biographical information, and detailed district maps.

BESE has several standing committees which consider issues within specific areas of focus and provide recommendations to the Board as a whole. 

Task Forces and Commissions
Unlike committees, task forces and commissions are essentially "ad-hoc" (temporary) groups that are established for a specific duty or purpose.

Advisory Councils
BESE’s advisory councils are composed of education, business, and community leaders with the background necessary to provide the Board with expert advice on issues under consideration.

Recent news releases and statements by the Board.

Contact Us
Office and staff contact information.

The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education shall provide leadership and create policies for education that expand opportunities for children, empower families and communities, and advance Louisiana in an increasingly competitive global market.


A quality public education system of such excellence that all children are given the opportunity to develop to their fullest potential; the system ranks at the top nationally based on student indicators; and businesses, families and individuals from across the nation are attracted to the state.


The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education believes that every child is valued, every child will learn, and that the future of the state and its quality of life depend on an educated citizenry. BESE is committed to making informed policy decisions that will result in improved academic achievement and educational opportunities for all students.

  • BESE will provide leadership in setting an education agenda for the continuous improvement of public education as measured by student and school achievement.
  • BESE will strive to improve financing of public education as measured by the effective and efficient use of human and financial resources.