Contact Us



For BESE member contact information, click here.



Tavares A. Walker
Executive Director
Kimberly Tripeaux
Director, 8(g) Programs
Carla Anderson
Administration and Research Associate
Tiffany Bosley
8(g) Grant Manager
Max Dupuy
Operations Manager
Jada Joseph
8(g) Grant Auditor
Erin LeBlanc
Records Management Administrator
Daria Martin
BESE/8(g) Accountant Administrator
Abbie Petit
Administration and Research Associate
Shannon Rawson
Education Administrator


Physical Address
Suite 5-190
1201 North Third Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 94064, Capital Station
Baton Rouge, LA 70804
225-342-5843 (fax)

Public Records Requests

Tavares A. Walker, Custodian of Public Records


Accessibility / ADA Compliance

The BESE agency Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) policy may be viewed here (PDF).


Appeals of Denied School Transfer Requests

School transfer requests are to be submitted to the Local Education Authority (LEA), in compliance with corresponding local district policies. In the event that a transfer request is denied by the LEA, the denial may be appealed to BESE. Additional information about the appeals process and a downloadable appeal form are available here.


Petition for Rulemaking

In accordance with R.S. 49:953(C)(1), any interested person may petition the BESE executive director in writing to adopt a new rule or amend or repeal an existing rule contained within the Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 28.

Petitions must be submitted by certified mail to the BESE office using the form linked below.

Within 90 days of receipt of the petition for rulemaking, the executive director will confirm receipt of the petition in writing, including notification regarding the date of the next scheduled BESE meeting, at which time the petition will be formally presented to BESE. Following this initial notification to the petitioner and after consulting with the Board officers for a recommendation, the petition will be formally presented to BESE at the next scheduled meeting, and upon the approval of the Board, the executive director will then:

  1. initiate procedures for processing a proposed regulation, along with the rulemaking procedures provided in R.S. 49:950 et seq., to proceed with rulemaking; or
  2. notify the petitioner in writing, of the denial to proceed with rulemaking, stating the reason(s) for the denial of BESE.

BESE Rulemaking Petition Form