Task Forces and Commissions
Unlike committees, task forces and commissions are essentially “ad-hoc” (temporary) groups that are established for a specific duty or purpose; they are disbanded once their purpose is completed.
From time to time, BESE, the governor, or the Louisiana Legislature may create cooperative partnerships or study groups to investigate and/or make recommendations on special issues, as well as oversee the implementation of recommendations by previous such groups. These groups may be known as task forces, commissions, or study groups.
Minimum Foundation Program (MFP) Task Force
Each year, BESE must determine the cost of educating all public school students in Louisiana, known as the Minimum Foundation Program (MFP), and develop a formula to distribute funding to public schools. The MFP Task Force was created by BESE in 2013 in order to better engage educators, districts, policy experts, and communities, and offer guidance to the Board on how best to improve the formula to most equitably and effectively fund schools and students.
School and District Accountability Commission
Louisiana’s School and District Accountability Commission was originally established per Act 478 of the 1997 Regular Legislative Session for the purpose of recommending to BESE a statewide system of accountability for public education in the state. The Commission has continued to meet in response to formal BESE action, whereby the Commission became a permanent BESE advisory commission advising the Board regarding matters involving school and district accountability.
Louisiana's Public Education Accountability System is based on the concept of continuous growth. Every school can improve and is expected to show academic growth. Every school is compared to itself. The system is designed to encourage and support school improvement by:
- Clearly establishing the state's goals for schools and students;
- Creating an easy way to communicate to schools and the public how well a school is performing;
- Recognizing schools for effectiveness in demonstrating growth in student achievement; and
- Focusing attention, energy, and resources on those schools that need help in improving student achievement.