| Sandy Holloway BESE District 3 Representative
Now in her third term as a BESE Board representative, Sandy served two years as BESE Board President (2020, 2021) and one year as BESE Board Secretary-Treasurer (2022). Sandy holds a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education and Special Education from the University of Southwestern, Lafayette, Louisiana (currently UL) and a Master's Degree plus 30 in Curriculum and Instruction in Supervision and Administration from Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, Louisiana. Notably, Sandy was recognized for her outstanding contributions to Nicholls State University as the 2021 Outstanding Alumna in the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, returning to the campus that same year to address the university’s graduating class as their keynote speaker.
Sandy is a member of the Lafourche Chamber Board of Directors and Leadership Lafourche Education Day panel moderator. Her current leadership involvement includes the America 250 Commission and is a Bayou Industrial Group member. She also serves on the Louisiana Statewide K-12 Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Prevention Advisory Group and the Love the Boot Steering Committee.
Her civic leadership includes membership in the Rotary Club of Thibodaux, where she served as past President. She is a former Rotary District 6200 Chairperson of Earlyact and Youthact Service Clubs and was the 2010 Team Leader for the Rotary International Group Study Exchange to Turkey.
A graduate of the 2008 Leadership Lafourche Program, as well as Leadership Louisiana Class of 2017, and a former Bayou Area Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Commissioners and past Vice Chair, Sandy’s community involvement is closely linked to her commitment to quality education and fresh career opportunities made available to all children and upcoming graduates of higher education.
Before retirement in 2019, Sandy served as the Executive Director of Bayou Community Academy Charter School (BCA), a Type 1 charter school in Lafourche Parish. in 2010, she spearheaded the start-up of BCA with the Board of Directors. Sandy has extensive experience as a former Lafourche Parish special education and regular education teacher, assistant principal, principal, and district supervisor and has been recognized as an outstanding educator.
Sandy served on the Thibodaux Chamber of Commerce Executive Board of Directors as past Chair of the Board (January-April 2022) and is currently a Government and Public Affairs Committee member.
Sandy is married to Skip Holloway and has three children and eight grandchildren. The Holloways currently reside in Thibodaux.