BESE News - July 2024

Jul 16, 2024, 13:38 PM by BESE Admin

In this issue:

• BESE adopts changes to strengthen statewide accountability system 
• Liteacy Spotlight: Louisiana K-3 reading scores improve 10 percent on universal literacy screener 
• Education Savings Accounts: program development update 
• Latest BESE policy updates 
• Upcoming BESE and LDOE meetings 
• BESE member spotlight – Simone Champagne 
• Connect with BESE 

BESE adopts changes to strengthen statewide accountability system

At the June 2024 BESE meetings, the Board approved the Louisiana Department of Education’s “Grow-Achieve-Thrive” plan to restructure the state’s K-12 school and district accountability system. The new plan offers a simplification of the existing accountability formula, mirrors the state’s refined definition of college and career readiness, increases the value of work-based learning experiences, and rewards schools for student academic growth as well as achievement gains.

The Grow-Achieve-Thrive plan is based on three fundamental drivers.
• Simple and Transparent: Utilizes a new 100-point grading scale 
• High Expectations: Raises the bar for student outcomes 
• Career and College Readiness: Emphasizes career education, college preparation, or military service readiness 

The plan’s name comes from its three core student expectations. Louisiana expects all students to grow academically year-over year, achieve proficiency on key content, and thrive beyond high school.

Grow: Schools will be measured by the number of students growing in math and English, with special attention paid to growing the lowest achieving students and supporting English learners as they learn the English language.

Achieve: Schools will be measured by the number of students who are proficient in math, English, science, and social studies.

Thrive: High schools will be measured on the number of students graduating on time, showing readiness on a nationally recognized exam, and prepared to accelerate by earning college credit or high value career credentials with work experience.

Schools and systems will be graded using Louisiana’s Accountability Scorecard, which includes elements foundational to student success. Each of the scorecard’s foundational elements will be evenly averaged to determine a score for schools and systems.

Simulated school performance scores will be provided for 2023-24 and 2024-25, and the plan will go into effect for the 2025-26 school year.

The LDOE has launched a landing page on its website that will be regularly updated with resources and information on Louisiana’s revised accountability system. Some of the resources now available include a video preview of the revised system, a general FAQ, an accountability model FAQ, and the Grow-Achieve-Thrive newsletter sign-up. View these resources and additional information at

Literacy Spotlight: Louisiana K-3 reading scores improve 10 percent on universal literacy screener

This month the LDOE released encouraging data from the state’s inaugural universal literacy screener. The percentage of Louisiana K-3 students reading on grade level increased from 44.6% on the beginning of year screener to 54.6% on the end of year screener. This improvement reflects the dedicated work of students and educators, and Louisiana’s renewed emphasis on foundational skills development.

The increase shown in the screener data is the latest example of the progress being made on a comprehensive literacy plan adopted three years ago. Recently the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) ranked Louisiana’s 4th graders first for reading growth, and the 2023 Education Recovery Scorecard showed that Louisiana was one of only three states where the average reading achievement has exceeded pre-pandemic levels.

This is the first year the LDOE is administering one universal literacy screener to students in grades K-3. The assessments provide teachers with information on student reading levels and how well students are progressing on particular skills. Screeners are given through a secure administration and measure skills predictive to reading success as a student progresses through school. Student scores are reported as Well Above Level, On Level, Below Level, or Well Below Level.

Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, third grade students who score at the Well Below level at the end of the school year are at risk of retention. Beginning in the 2025-26 school year, results from the literacy screener will be included in school performance scores. For more information, download the overview of Louisiana’s plan to improve early literacy >

Education Savings Accounts: program development update

Legislation from the 2024 Regular Session establishing the LA GATOR Scholarship Program was signed into law by Governor Landry as ACT 1. This legislation grants universal access to Education Savings Accounts for the families of K-12 students. Funding can be used for a variety of education expenses, including nonpublic school tuition and fees, tutoring services, and educational materials. The LA GATOR program will replace the existing Louisiana Scholarship Program and will phase in over three years.

BESE and the LDOE are now beginning work on the LA GATOR program structure, including eligibility and administrative policies. While the legislature has not yet allocated funding for ESAs, BESE will determine a recommended funding amount with the actual funding allocation established by the legislature as early as the 2025 Regular Session. If lawmakers approve funding at that time, the program could go into effect for the 2025-26 school year.

At BESE’s direction, the LDOE conducted a Request for Information (RFI) process during June to solicit information from potential vendors for an ESA program management system. Respondents were to provide information on corporate background and experience, methodology and a potential implementation timeframe. The Board will be receiving an update and recommendation from LDOE at its upcoming August meetings.

Latest BESE policy updates

Revisions to state education policy approved by BESE at its April meetings include:

Bulletin 111 – The Louisiana School, District, and State Accountability System 
Revision of policy related to the “Grow-Achieve-Thrive” K-12 accountability plan. Full details > 
• Bulletin 741 – Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators 
• Updates policy to require a criminal background check and clearance prior to obtaining, renewing, advancing, or modifying certification, beginning January 1, 2025, in alignment with R.S. 17:15. Full details > 
• Bulletin 741 (Nonpublic) – Louisiana Handbook for Nonpublic School Administrators 
• Updates nonpublic policy to require a criminal background check and clearance prior to obtaining, renewing, advancing, or modifying certification, beginning January 1, 2025, in alignment with R.S. 17:15. Full details > 
• Bulletin 746 – Louisiana Standards for State Certification of School Personnel 
• Adopts redesigned Praxis exams and allows for a one-year advance notice of the phase-out of the exams being retired, where the acceptance of new exams overlap with existing exams. Full details > 

Policy revisions approved by BESE are submitted to the Louisiana Register for public notification and comment as part of the state’s Notice of Intent (NOI) process. Current BESE NOIs may be tracked here >

Upcoming BESE and LDOE meetings

July 16 – Nonpublic School Council
July 17 – Early Childhood Care and Education Commission
July 17 – Early Childhood Care and Education Advisory Council
July 18 – Montessori Task Force
July 19 – English Learner Task Force
July 25 – Superintendents’ Advisory Council
August 19 – BESE Retreat
August 20 – 8(g) Public Hearing
August 20 – BESE Committees
August 21 – BESE Meeting

Meeting dates are subject to change and cancellation. For the latest scheduling information, agendas, and video streaming links, visit

BESE member spotlight – Simone Champagne

BESE At-Large Member Simone Champagne has over 46 years of private and public sector experience. She served for 26 years in the banking sector as an operations officer and two decades in public service. She was the first and only woman thus far to hold the State Representative District 49 seat. She also served on the St. Joseph Elementary School Board and the Acadiana Renaissance Academy School Board.

Ms. Champagne has many years of volunteerism serving on the local and state level, including numerous Chambers of Commerce, schools, coaching softball, and serving on many non-profits. She has been married to her husband Gary for 52 years. They have five grown children and nine grandchildren.

Learn more about BESE Members here >>

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